RSVP, Inc. provides Individual Supported Employment (ISE) services to individuals with Medicaid Waiver. The program is a collaboration with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS).
DBHDS’s vision is, “A life of possibilities for all Virginians,” which RSVP, Inc. builds on by providing individuals with ISE services for individuals to work in competitive, integrated environments.
Within the Supported Employment (SE) model, the following phases are provided: Situational Assessment, Job Development/Placement, Job Site Training & Fading, and Long-Term Follow-Along. Definitions of the phases and additional information about SE can be found here.
The following Waivers cover ISE services, for which RSVP, Inc. provides: Building Independence, Community Living, and Family and Individual Supports.
To begin the referral process, contact your local Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services agency to initiate your ISE services.
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