An individual may already know the type of work they prefer, but many individuals are unsure of their skills and abilities. Without actual experience in a particular type of work environment, it may be difficult for an individual to decide which type of job will be the best fit. In this case, RSVP, Inc.’s Situational Assessment services will provide opportunities for an individual to try out jobs, in which they have an interest, for a short period of time. Once given the opportunity to perform a job, the individual is able to make an informed decision about the type of job they would like to pursue. During the assessment, an RSVP, Inc. Employment Specialist will accompany the individual on the job site and will evaluate the individual’s interest in and ability to perform the actual job tasks, as well as identify specific support needs. Information obtained during situational assessments is then used to help the individual to determine a job goal that is most appropriate, and then a plan, called the Individualized Service Plan (ISP), is completed with the input and participation of the individual to assist the individual to obtain their job goal.
Situational Assessment services are not mandatory for all individuals but may be recommended as a useful tool for individuals who have no clearly defined vocational goal, for individuals with no prior work history, for individuals who have been absent from the workforce for an extended period of time, and for individuals who have suffered an injury or illness that has affected cognitive function or that has limited physical strength and stamina.